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red rose

Society of the Rose

We thank everyone who has made Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly Upper Michigan Foundation a beneficiary of their wills or trusts. As a special tribute, we established the Society of the Rose. Members of this special group provide friendship and services for future generations of older adults experiencing isolation and loneliness by remembering Little Brothers Foundation in their plan.


We invite you to join other Society of the Rose members in securing the future of Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly.


LBFE FOUNDATION Identification:

Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly Upper Michigan Foundation

200 Michigan Street, Suite 318

Hancock, MI 49930



Have you already included Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly in your estate plan? Please let us know.


Any questions call 906-282-3406

Cathy Kass-Aten, Foundation Director

Michael J. Aten, Planned Giving Officer

I (We) have already included LBFE in my (our):
I (We) have directed the gift to:

This is not a legal obligation binding me or my estate. This statement of intent is an expression of my present, revocable plans and is subject to change or modification by me at any time. 

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